> 香烟价格表 > 中华国外香烟价格及图片



1. Marlboro

Marlboro is one of the most popular cigarettes in the world, produced by Philip Morris International. It has a strong and distinct flavor, as well as a smooth smoke. Prices for Marlboro cigarettes can vary depending on which country you are in, but it generally costs around $5-6 USD in most countries.

2. Camel

Camel is produced by R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company and is known for its unique blend of Turkish and American tobacco. It has a mild flavor and a smooth smoke. Prices for Camel cigarettes can vary depending on which country you are in, but it generally costs around $3-4 USD in most countries.

3. Davidoff

Davidoff is a luxury brand of cigarettes produced by Imperial Tobacco Company. It has a rich and full flavor, and is made of high-quality tobacco. Prices for Davidoff cigarettes can vary depending on which country you are in, but it generally costs around $15-20 USD in most countries.

4. Dunhill

Dunhill is another luxury brand of cigarettes produced by British American Tobacco. It has a smooth and creamy flavor and is made of high-quality tobacco. Prices for Dunhill cigarettes can vary depending on which country you are in, but it generally costs around $10-15 USD in most countries.

5. Lucky Strike

Lucky Strike is produced by British American Tobacco and is known for its bold and rich flavor. It has a smooth smoke and is made of high-quality tobacco. Prices for Lucky Strike cigarettes can vary depending on which country you are in, but it generally costs around $5-7 USD in most countries.

6. Benson & Hedges

Benson & Hedges is a luxury brand of cigarettes produced by British American Tobacco. It has a sweet and mild flavor, and is made of high-quality tobacco. Prices for Benson & Hedges cigarettes can vary depending on which country you are in, but it generally costs around $15-20 USD in most countries.

7. Parliament

Parliament is another luxury brand of cigarettes produced by Philip Morris International. It has a smooth and creamy flavor, and is made of high-quality tobacco. Prices for Parliament cigarettes can vary depending on which country you are in, but it generally costs around $10-15 USD in most countries.

In conclusion, while prices for these foreign cigarette brands can vary depending on the country, they all have one thing in common: they provide a unique smoking experience for those who enjoy a fine, high-quality cigarette. So, whether you prefer a strong flavor or a mild one, there is a foreign cigarette brand out there for you to try and enjoy.


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