> 香烟的世界 > 天子的中文特定名称(是指专门在某类指定的商品或产品上使用特定的名称或图案的权利)


天子Son of Heaven图片来源:学习强国


The Son of Heaven refers to the emperor or monarch, the supreme ruler of an empire or dynasty. People in ancient times believed that a monarch ruled the world by Heaven's decree and with its mandate, hence he was called the Son of Heaven. This term asserted that a ruler's authority was legitimate and sacred, as it was bestowed by Heaven, but to some extent, it also restricted the exercise of this power. This has some similarity to the Western concept of the divine right of kings by the grace of God, but there are fundamental differences. Tian (天), the Chinese word for Heaven, is not the same as the Western term "God." Rather, the Chinese term also implies the idea of interaction between Heaven and man, which means that the decree of Heaven also embodies popular will and popular support.

引例 Citations:



So diligent is the Son of Heaven! His fame will forever be remembered. (The Book of Songs)



Therefore a man whose virtue is equal to that of heaven and earth can be an emperor. Heaven blesses him and takes him as his son, so he is called the Son of Heaven. (Dong Zhongshu: Luxuriant Gems of The Spring and Autumn Annals)

(推荐:教育部 国家语委 供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社)