> 香烟百科 > 远离香烟英文


珍惜生命,远离香烟用英语怎么说?如题[最佳]翻译为Cherish life, away from cigarettes“远离香烟,珍爱生命”英文[最佳]有道翻译:Been away from cigarette,to cherish your life远离烟草,健康生活 。英语怎么说?[最佳]不好意



如题[最佳]翻译为Cherish life, away from cigarettes


[最佳]有道翻译:Been away from cigarette,to cherish your life

远离烟草,健康生活 。英语怎么说?

[最佳]不好意思,刚才没弄仔细,现在的是了: Away from tobacco, healthy living

求 以‘远离香烟’为题的英语作文?

[最佳]Dear Daddy, How's your life in America? Does everything go well? Mother and I miss you very much. Now, I am writing to tell you my entrance examination. I did very well in the exam and got high scores. The most exciting thing i。

英语翻译 远离人烟

[最佳]out of the way:离大路很远的; 偏僻的, 远离人烟的 在够不着的地方 不妨碍人的, 不妨事的 不同凡响的, 不寻常的 错误的, 不成体统的


英语翻译 我需要远离香烟翻译 成第一种 I want to keep away cigarette 。[最佳]I want to be away from cigarette


(1/2)用英语翻译下面的短文:大家好,在世界无烟日到来之际,我要说远离烟。[最佳]Hello, everyone, the World No Smoking Day is approaching, I would stay away from tobacco, smoking is not only harmful for their own health, but also affects others,Tobacco includes a lot of toxin


[最佳]you need to keep distance from the smoke and the wine.


[最佳]尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家好。我是高一、十一班的付文韬,今天我演讲的题目是《珍爱生命,远离烟草》。 烟草的危害是当今世界最严重的公众卫生问题之一,是人类健康所面临的最大危险因素,世界卫生组织近期发表过一项声明中指出:“如今烟。


3至5分钟[最佳]It has been estimated that smokers have made up half of the population in And the smokers are being younger and younger, even ineluding some middle school students Nowadays more and more people have realized smoking can do harm。